The Corporate KPI set was reviewed to ensure all indicators provide the right balance of information to manage the council’s services against officer’s time to provide performance updates. The KPI set for 2021/22 was approved by the P&R Committee in October 2021.

For 2022/23 it is proposed that the following KPIs be removed from the corporate set:


Corporate KPI 2021/22

Status in 2022/23


The number of private sector vacant dwellings returned into occupation or demolished (Corporate - city)

Remove at Corporate level. Private sector vacant dwellings returned into occupation data to be managed at DMT level.


The number of households where homelessness was prevented due to casework by the council

To be replaced with a new KPI which measures homelessness prevention by the council and partner agencies to align corporate and Housing Committee performance reporting, and to better focus resources on partnership working, which is key to successful homeless prevention.  



% of older people (65 and over) still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital into reablement/rehabilitation services

Remove at Corporate level due to inconsistencies with data and monitor at DMT level, with potential focus on Independence at Home


% of invoices for commercial goods and services that were paid for within 30 days

To be replaced with a new KPI definition which focuses on invoice payments to SMEs and individuals.


Staff who declare that they have a disability as a % of the total workforce who declare whether they have a disability (not including schools)

Report this figure within a new KPI which will measure senior managers at M8 and above given that they are under-represented in the workforce who declare that they have a disability.


Staff at management level who declare that they have a disability as a % of the total staff at management level who declare whether they have a disability (not including schools)
(Management level is grade SO1 and above)

Report this figure within a new KPI which will measure senior managers at M8 and above given that they are under-represented in the workforce who declare that they have a disability.


For 2022/23, it is proposed that the following KPIs be introduced to the corporate set:



New Corporate KPI 2022/23

Reason for inclusion


The number of households where homelessness was prevented due to casework by the council and partner agencies

Replaces KPI which measured homelessness prevention by the council. This is to align corporate and Housing Committee performance reporting, and to better focus resources on partnership working, which is key to successful homeless prevention.  



Safeguarding Adults: Percentage of those able to express desired outcomes who Fully or Partially Achieved their desired outcomes

Safeguarding is a key area of the HASC directorate, which HASC DMT feel should be represented at a Corporate level. The measure also ties in with Directorate Plan Objective: Maintain good practice to promote and safeguard the welfare and wellbeing of adults


% of invoices from SME (Small or Medium Enterprises) and individuals that are paid within 10 working days of receipt

Replaces previous overall payment of invoices KPI. This definition focuses on invoice payments to SMEs and individuals. Include data of % of invoices for commercial good and services paid within 30 days in reported commentary.


Staff at management level who declare that they have a disability as

a % of the total staff at management

level who declare whether they have

a disability (not including schools)

(Management level is grade M8 and above) [Corporate - council]

Disabled staff are under-represented in the upper pay band (M8 and above). Include in commentary staff who declare that they have a disability as a % of the total staff as well as those on grade SO1 and M8 and above.


Staff at management level who declare themselves as White Other as a % of the total staff at management level who declare their ethnicity (not including schools) (Management level is grade SO1 and above)

This group are under-represented at Management level in the workforce


In addition to the above the following KPIs will not feature in the 2022/23 set as the City Tracker survey is not taking place in 2022:

·         % of residents that have attended any creative, artistic, theatrical or musical events in the past 12 months

·         % of people who agree that they will have enough money, after housing costs, to meet basic living costs?

·         % of residents that very strongly or fairly strongly feel they belong to their immediate neighbourhood

·         % of residents that definitely or tend to agree that your local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together

·         % of residents feeling safe after dark in local areas

·         % of residents that think, overall, that Brighton & Hove City Council keeps residents well informed about the services and benefits it provides

·         % of residents very or fairly satisfied with Brighton & Hove City Council